Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Key Club Members,

Today's meeting was cancelled! The next one is January 13th. 

There is quite a bit of stuff we need to go over, so please read this carefully.

  • Great job on turning items in for the drive! You guys made me nervous at first, but we had a great turnout of items! I will be putting your hours in for you, so you don't need to worry about that.

  • We have a new drive starting! (Yay!!) This one is run through Key Club International, and is one of the first drives that we have ever done with them. It is the Agastya Drive. For this we will be collecting school supplies for children in Bangalore, India. Slips can be found in the Math and Science Office (sometime this week... hopefully), and right here. (You don't need to print this off. You can write all of the info that is on the slip on a note card and tape that to your item) You can get a total of 3 hours for this drive. The drive will end on January 16th, and items can be turned into Mrs. Kent's room 196. 

  • We have multiple volunteer opportunities that have come up over break. I do realize that this is a very busy time for families, but it is also a very busy time for these organizations! If you are in town, please consider donating your time. We have 3 dates for the Food Bank of Northern Indiana on Dec. 21stDec. 22nd, and Dec. 30th. We have a Penn Concession Stand on Dec. 22nd

  • 4/5 missed meeting slips are out. The last bunch went out yesterday! Remember that if you are already at the 5 meeting mark, you can't miss anymore meetings. 

  • Remember if you sign up for an event, you must show up. There is also no cancelling within less than 24 hours. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


There will be no meeting on the 16th. Everyone have a fun and safe Winter Break!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome Back!!!!!

We hope that everyone had a great break!

River Valley Drive:

Slips can be found in the Math and Science Office. One item is worth an hour with a maximum of 2 hours. ALL ITEMS MUST BE NEW!!! If you do a giftcard, it needs to be $10. To input hours, tape the slip to your item and on the back of the slip write your name, id number, and grade.

Items must be turned into Mrs. Kent's room, 196 by Thursday December 10th.

The blog has been updated with volunteer opportunities, Check it out!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Key Club Update

Good Morning Key Club Members,

We have extended the deadline for troop items to Monday!!! THEY MUST BE IN ROOM 196 BY MONDAY. We still have slips available in the Math/Science Office if you would like to pick up an item this weekend! Please tape the little slip of paper to the item you are donating to receive the service hour credit. You do NOT have to write the troop drive on your hour sheet. We have put the hours in automatically for you.

The blog has been updated with the most updated list of volunteer opportunities. Use the link below to check these awesome opportunities out. Many of them fill quickly however sometimes conflicts come up and members back out. Keep your eyes out for open slots! 

Lastly, DO NOT turn in incomplete hour forms. Wait until all the boxes are fill before you turn it in. Wasting a piece of paper to turn in one event is not necessary.

Meeting Wednesday at 7:45am. Place TBD.


Penn Key Club

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Thank you to all who came to the first meeting today!

If you missed the meeting, the powerpoint can be found under the "meeting dates" tab

Some important things we talked about are:

  • Make sure you are filling out the application online

  • Please bring exact change to the book store when paying the 13$ membership dues
    • Please bring the receipt to the math/science office. They are due no later than OCT 16th

  • Volunteer activities can be found under the "Volunteer Opportunities" tab

  • Sign up for Remind 101, instructions are found under the "Remind 101" tab

Our next meeting is 9/30

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Application is live!

First off, the application is live!! Please go to the application tab to apply!
  • You will need to pay the 13$ dues to the bookstore and bring the receipt to the first meeting to be an official Key Club member. Please bring exact change to the bookstore.

Please be sure to sign up for our Remind 101, instructions can be found under the "remind" tab. Remind will be another way we will communicate important information regarding Key Club. 

Current volunteer opportunities can be found under the "Volunteer Opportunities" tab.

Lastly, please follow us on Twitter, @PennKeyClub. That is another great way for us to communicate with you. 

There will be multiple rule changes, and method changes this year, and it will be crucial that EVERYONE attends the first meeting which will be 9/9 at 7:45am in LGI A!

If you have any questions please email me at the account at 

Thanks and we look forward to another great year in Key Club!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Welcome Back!

We hope everyone has had a great summer. This year we will be posting important information to this website about upcoming meetings, application deadlines, and volunteer opportunities. Something different this year we will be doing is an online application. Here in the next couple of weeks we will have a tab for you all to fill out this years application. If you haven't already, please sign up for our remind 101, instructions can be found under the "Remind 101" tab. Remind 101 will also be used to bring you important information regarding Key Club. Within the next couple of weeks we will have our first meeting. We will post the meeting date and will also send out a text message as a reminder, please be sure to attend. We look forward to having another great year!