- This year we are posting information on our blog;
- Up to date volunteer opportunities are listed, along with any last minute changes
- Service Hours
- Service is defined as the action of helping or doing work for someone.
- If you have any questions about what service, please email us.
- Must have 20 hours of service
- You may only use up to 10 hours on one activity
- You sign up you show up.
- Cancellation from an activity within less than 24 hours requires approval from us.
- One warning will be given, the next will result in dismissal from Key Club
- Hour Forms
- Hour slips can be found in the Math and Science Office and on the blog
- Once you have 4 slots filled turn them into the Math and Science Office
- You must have a contact person to put in the contact slot. Please include a email or phone number. NO parents can sign unless approved by us
- Meetings
- You can only miss 5 meetings for the entire year
- Attendance slips must be turned in before you exit the meeting. We will accept no attendance slips after that.
- Meeting dates can be found on the blog
- Remind101:
- Text: 81010
- In the message section type @keyclubpen
- Failure to comply with Penn High School’s Code of Conduct and Student Handbook Policies will result in immediate dismissal from Key Club