Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome Back!!!!!

We hope that everyone had a great break!

River Valley Drive:

Slips can be found in the Math and Science Office. One item is worth an hour with a maximum of 2 hours. ALL ITEMS MUST BE NEW!!! If you do a giftcard, it needs to be $10. To input hours, tape the slip to your item and on the back of the slip write your name, id number, and grade.

Items must be turned into Mrs. Kent's room, 196 by Thursday December 10th.

The blog has been updated with volunteer opportunities, Check it out!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Key Club Update

Good Morning Key Club Members,

We have extended the deadline for troop items to Monday!!! THEY MUST BE IN ROOM 196 BY MONDAY. We still have slips available in the Math/Science Office if you would like to pick up an item this weekend! Please tape the little slip of paper to the item you are donating to receive the service hour credit. You do NOT have to write the troop drive on your hour sheet. We have put the hours in automatically for you.

The blog has been updated with the most updated list of volunteer opportunities. Use the link below to check these awesome opportunities out. Many of them fill quickly however sometimes conflicts come up and members back out. Keep your eyes out for open slots! 

Lastly, DO NOT turn in incomplete hour forms. Wait until all the boxes are fill before you turn it in. Wasting a piece of paper to turn in one event is not necessary.

Meeting Wednesday at 7:45am. Place TBD.


Penn Key Club